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Assiniboine Jr.

Dedicated to Alfred Littlewind

Singers: Curtis Assiniboine, Feralin Assiniboine, Dalvin Stanley, Pat Pierre, Curtis Meeches, Darryl Kingbird, Glenn Tait

Alfred Littlewind

Alfred was from the Fort Toten Sioux Tribe of North Dakota. He joined the Assiniboine Jr. Singers in 1986. Alfred always treated the Drum Group well, learned the different songs quickly and contributed much to the sound of the Assiniboine Jr. This tape is dedicated to Alfred Littlewind. Our sorrow goes out to his family at this time. We miss him and remember him always.

--Assiniboine Jr.

Play song


Performed by


Native Words



Sharing Song Sioux
Intertribal 1 Sioux
Intertribal 2 Sioux
Master Of Ceremonies Song For Eric Robinson Sioux
Intertribal 3 Sioux
Intertribal 4 Sioux
Intertribal 5 Sioux
Children's Song Sioux
Intertribal 6 Sioux
Woman's Song For Gaye Sparvier Sioux
Intertribal 7 Sioux