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Mandaree Singers

Live at New Town North Dakota

This recording was made at the War Bonnet Dance, for the Cry for Mother Earth Celebration at New Town, North Dakota.
Recording: Gordon Bird and Darrel Lockwood.
Singers: Billy Baker, Norman Baker, Bert Yellow Wolf, Roger Grady, Emerson Baker, Angus Fox.
Gertrude Silitti and Veronica Baker are the ladies singing on some of the songs on this recording.

The Mandaree Singers from the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara Nations, New Town, ND participate in many of the major Indian Celebrations throughout the U.S. and Canada. They have been honored to serve as host drum group at many celebrations of other Indian Nations in Canada and the U.S. They are the host drum group for the annual Mandaree Celebration held July each year at Mandaree, ND.

Play song


Performed by


Native Words



Grass Dance Song Made by Bill Baker from the Mandaree Singers Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Made by Bill Baker Mandan and Hidatsa
Shuffle-Stomp Dance Song An old time song from the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara Nations. Egada geshe. Sometimes known as a slide. Mandan and Hidatsa
Shuffle-Stomp Dance Song E gada geshe is the Hidatsa word for this type of song, however, due to the limitations of the English language it is not possible to properly translate. Old song from the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Original song from Fort Berthold revised by the Blood Singers of the Stand Off, Alberta, Canada Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Crees song from Rocky Boy, MT made by Rocky Stump. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song This song was made by Bill Baker. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Old Fort Berthold song revised by the Blood Singers from the Stand Off Reserver, Albert, Canada. Mandan and Hidatsa
Sneak Up Dance Song Old song from Fort Berthold. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Contemporary song, origin not known. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song From the A-1 Singers from Alberta, Canada Mandan and Hidatsa
Contest Or Trick Song Old song from Fort Berthold Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Acquired from Sidney Moore, Pawnee from Oklahoma City, OK. Mandan and Hidatsa
Grass Dance Song Made in 1981 by Bill Baker Mandan and Hidatsa