Song Structure
Native American music is comprised of many different types of songs. At a northern plains pow wow
you will hear traditional songs, flag songs, veteran's songs, round dance, honor
songs, and more. Each type of song has it's proper place to be sung, because they
all have some meaning or purpose.
Dakota song structure is made up of two halves. In melody, the second half usually
echoes the first half. A song typically starts out rather high as the lead singer
sings out the lead phrase alone, then is echoed by the rest of the group. After the
lead line, the music will often cascade to a lower pitch as the song goes on. At
the end of the first half of the song, there is a short pause, then the second half
is sung. During the course of the second half of the song usually there are honor
beats placed at a specific time during the song. The style of honor beats varies
some, but is usually four loud beats representing cannon fire in battle.
After a song is sung through a full time, the lead singer will bring out the lead
line once again as the song will then be repeated. This can continue as long as the
singers feel necessary. Commonly, a song will be sung through four times then ended.
At that point, the lead singer may decide to add a tail to the song. The tail would
then pick up at the beginning of the second half of the song. If the lead singer
decides to end the song after that, it would be called a bob tail. The lead singer
may then choose to continue the song many more times after that.
The use of words in these songs varies greatly. Many songs do not have any words
and are comprised entirely of vocables. The vocables are sung in melody just as any
popular song today is sung with words. The most common usage of words in Dakota songs,
is with the native language sung during the second half of the song only. There are
also many songs that are almost entirely words, (first and second half), with a few
short vocables that help carry the melody. The most common types of songs that use
words are Flag songs, veteran's songs, Sundance songs, round dance songs, or most
honor songs of any variety. A majority of intertribal songs, including grass dance,
fancy dance, jingle dress, and traditional songs do not have words. Round dance or
49er songs are the most common for having English words.
At a traditional drum, only men are aloud to sit at or strike the drum. Women stand
behind the drum and sing one octave above the men. They do not sing the lead line
or the first time through the song. The added dimension that the women bring to the
music at the drum can't be equaled.
There are a few different styles of drum beats used in Dakota music. The most common
is the regular beat with a very slight syncopation. This is what you will hear on
any of the traditional or grass dance songs posted on this site. The next most common
beat is the parade beat which is mostly used in honor songs. You will hear this style
of beat used with the flag song. Another common type is a heavily syncopated beat
that would be used in a round dance, or 49er song. A fourth type of beat is a combination
of a rolling random beat followed by a fast regular beat. This is used in competition
songs like the Winnebago's pipe and rattle, or a sneak up.
Several types of Dakota/Lakota/Nakota songsand their purpose are listed below.
Traditional Song: Usually synonymous with Intertribal. This type of song is
the most commonly heard at a pow wow. It usually is all vocables, but does not have
to be. They generally are melodic and vary in style greatly. The drum beat is always
of the regular beat.
Flag Song: To the Dakota people, this is the National Anthem. This song is
sung at any such times that one would sing the National Anthem. The Flag song is
always sung at the beginning of a pow wow or special event. This song should be given
the same respect as your own flag. We do not dance to this song as it is for the
flag to dance.
Veteran's Song: This type of song usually follows the Flag song in a pow wow.
There are many different Veteran's songs, all of which are sung to honor our veterans.
Some are sung to honor a specific branch of service or specific conflict. To the
Dakota people, a veteran is a warrior that should always be honored. In this way,
those that served this country may dance and be honored.
Sneak Up: This is a scout's dance. It is often sung after the veteran's song
in a pow wow. The dance is a story of how a warrior would go ahead of the party to
scout out the area for the enemy or game. Four times the song is sung through, starting
with a rolling beat while the dancers attempt to sneak up on their target. The song
then goes into a fast steady beat that stops instantly. The dancers must stop on
the beat or retreat to try again. After the fourth stop of the song, the singers
will continue two more times through the song until the end.
Round Dance: This is sometimes also called a two step. These songs are sung
with a heavily syncopated beat. These are often considered couple's songs.
Honor Song: This type of song carries special meanings. Every song is different,
but all has a similar purpose. When an individual or group has done something noteworthy,
or even has had hard times, they may honored by another. In this case, a special
honoring song would be sung for those people, much like a veteran's song is sung
to honor veterans.
Sundance Song: These are very sacred songs. The only place that these songs
should be sung is in ceremony. Most commonly in the sundance. There are entrance
songs, pipe songs, and others. They are usually sung in groups of four, typically
seven times through only during the dance.
Inipi Song: These songs are also very sacred. These too, are special songs
usually sung just in the sweat lodge. There are pipe filling songs used just for
that, filling the pipe, which is always used with the sweat. Inipi songs have special
powers that can call the spirits. Because of this power, they must be used carefully
by those that understand what they are doing.
Because of the diversity of this music and its purpose, certain songs are meant
only to be sung in specific places or ceremonies and not recorded. For this
reason,we will post only songs that are appropriate to be sung in public.