Grayhorse Singers

Gourd Talkers

Recorded at Studio Bee Recorders, New Mexico, USA.
Produced by Tom Bee for the Soar Corporation
All of the Grayhorse Singers grew up in Oklahoma the land of the gourd dance. Originating in Oklahoma it is currently danced inter-tribally using mostly the songs of the Kiowa.

Play song


Performed by


Native Words



Tiapiah Start Song Kiowa
Tallbird Kiowa
Old Gourd Song Kiowa
Veterans Gourd Song Kiowa
New Gourd Song Kiowa
Old Gourd Song Kiowa
Tonekei Gourd Song Kiowa
Omaha Gourd Song Kiowa
Old Gourd Song Kiowa
Pipestem Gourd Song Kiowa
Cozad Gourd Song Kiowa
Kiowa Gourd Song Kiowa
Ohdlepah Gourd Song Kiowa
Old Gourd Song Kiowa
Anquoe Gourd Song Kiowa
Paudle Toe Kiowa
Paudle Toe Kiowa
Paudle Toe Kiowa
Buffalo Dance Song Kiowa