American Indian Music of the Mississippi Choctaws

Funded under ESEA Title II Project Music Resources

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Jump Dance Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier Danced in a ring around the fire after feasting together. Choctaw
Walk Dance Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier Traditionally the last dance of the evening, danced toward the rising sun. Today's chanters sing it in second place and of from it into another version of the JUMP DANCE. Choctaw
Stealing Partners Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier Only non-relatives could dance this dance. The accompanying shouts are traditional. Choctaw
Drunk Dance Prentiss Jackson Traditionally a happy dance, not what the name implies. Choctaw
Turtle Dance Prentiss Jackson, Tony Bell, Henry Joe Choctaw
Fast War Dance Henry Joe - Lead Chanter; Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasie In the Choctaw culture both men and women dance the war dances. Drums are not used with the singing and dancing. The lead chanter uses striking sticks on some songs. Choctaw
Four-Step War Dance Ida Mae Frasier - Chanter Choctaw
Quail Dance Henry Joe and Tony Bell - Lead Chanters, Ida Mae Frasier, Prentiss Jackson - Counter Chanter Choctaw
Friendship Dance Prentiss Jackson - Chanter Choctaw
Wedding Dance Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier Only non-relatives dance this dance. Couples dance in a ring around the fire. Choctaw
Duck Dance Tony Bell - Lead Chanter; Ida Mae Frasier, Henry Joe The duck was important to the Choctaws for many reasons. Probably the most important one was the use of the wing bones to make arrow tips. Choctaw
Raccoon Dance Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier This dance is a favorite of young and old. The Choctaws baked and ground the bones of the raccoon which were then mixed with clay to make a fire-proof bowl. Choctaw
Snake Dance Prentiss Jackson - Lead Chanter; Henry Joe, Tony Bell, Ida Mae Frasier This dance is danced in honor of the rattlesnake. The Choctaws honor the snake because the snake ate the insects and the small animals that otherwise would destroy the food crops. Choctaw